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Chilean Huaso Spurs - Spur555
Chilean Huaso Spurs - Spur555
Two Chilean spurs with large rowels.
The spurs are very alike but not quite a matched pair - one rowel and the decorative features are slightly larger on one spur than the other
The outer surfaces of the heel bands have overlaid silver coloured metal.
They have pierced decoration along both sides of their necks.
The ends of the heel bands of the spurs have diamond shaped ends with two slots for straps and are decorated with scalloped edges
There are some losses to the silver overlay on the necks and around the strap slots, this has exposed the underlying steel which shows some surface oxidation.
There are small heel plates where the necks join the bodies of the spurs.
They have large many pointed steel rowels which show a little surface oxidation.
There are no maker's marks or stamps
Dimensions : Spur1 8½" (21.7cm) long including rowel x 3¼" (8.5cm) internal width,
Rowel 4¼" (10.3cm)
Spur2 9" (23cm) long including rowel x 3¼" (8.5cm) internal width,
Rowel 4¾" (12cm)
Weight - approx 2lb 4oz (1.02kg)
Ref : spur555